Monday, December 5, 2011

Another battle lost

It's just not my game... wedding planning. I can't seem to stick the landing. I can't seem to hold my ground... I suppose having a sibling taught me TOO much about compromise (not that I ever compromised intentionally with my brother).

Why can't I just give in? Is the question of the day... Why can't I just forget its my day and let everyone else plan every detail? Because honestly the stress is killing me, literally. I can't handle it. I am waking up with migraines I am so overwhelmed by all the stupidity on who gets to do what.

And my grooms answer to everything (everything involving the BIG wedding he wanted and I warned against) is 'don't stress' thanks wise-ass... that's the best advice I have ever heard... insert LARGE eye-roll here.

He doesn't understand why I worry about so much or why his mother and I have so many little battles... I don't either... its my day, but that doesn't seem to matter. I wish I could grasp that realization and stop dancing around the truth that this day has nothing to do with me and would probably continue unfazed without me. Hmm...

Today is a 'wedding planning sucks' day.

Hopefully tomorrow is better as I go try on my dress for the first time.


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