I tried to insert a snappy screen shot of our registry, but that was an epic fail so you get a link.
Now the catch to the registry is we don't want one. We've lived together for a few years and have everything we need for our home. I are hoping that most people will slide a cheque into their card, because honestly we need to pay off this wedding. Its costing so much more than we planned... and we have cut so much out its scary. I don't know where else to cut.
So we picked a small, simple registry at a hard to get to location figuring it will detour people from buying presents and lead them down the road of cash gifts. I wish we could just be open and say 'Hey, we are really in need of cash' but that's rude. Hmpf.

I think it will work out well... we will only be registering once and when it is done its done.
My biggest fear (ours) is the cost of everything. It is only one day and although it will be magical I don't want to regret everything... I don't want to look back and cringe, because the wedding didn't help us move forward, put some money away or get prepared for babies... it will likely have set us back a few thousand dollars.
I know a blog about money is also taboo... but its my blog and this is a BIG issue for us.
Ok... rambled enough. I am going to go eat chips... because I am having a sad fat day and I am ok with it.
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