Monday, April 2, 2012

FULL Weekend.

Where to start… Congratulations Meaghan and Matt Sloski! Every post should start with congratulations to the newest bride and groom. I was lucky enough to join in their festivities on the weekend. They were married in a cute little church near my hometown. Their ceremony was completely custom and written by the bride; the ceremony included her two children and made me cry alongside both the bride and groom.
We moved on to the reception, in the middle of nowhere, that was gorgeous in fuchsia and black. The venue was open and ideal for a wedding of their size. The reception room connected to a lounge complete with fireplace and patio. Everyone was in good spirits as the sun made a late appearance.
It was so nice to be at a wedding, but it made me wish mine was closer/I was eloping. I am so torn lately… I wanted some pieces of the wedding and other parts I want nothing to do with… weird, right? I knew I wouldn’t be the traditional bride, but I didn’t know my feet would get his cold.
Anyways… I wish Meg and Matt a lifetime of happiness!
Part TWO: Where I spent my Sunday.
In the car with my future in-laws, which would be fine… if I didn’t get car sick, wasn’t fighting with Richard, hadn’t been up all night and we didn’t have to drive 4+ hours in one day, but that’s for a different blog.
I was in the car and on my way to Dorchester for our first meeting with Bruce, Richard’s uncle and our minister. Liz and Pete came along for the ride to have a visit with Lois (Bruce’s wife of 55 years. Woah). We met with them at The Elmhurst Inn, a beautiful old farm house that has been converted into a dining hall with a mouth watering buffet. We had a very filling feast and headed back to their house to hash out the details of our ceremony.
Richard and I were prepared to give Bruce full reign on the ceremony as we had no idea what went  into making a ceremony. Bruce guided us through the process and we had a lovely time getting to know him and sharing our lives with him. We worked on the outline, which includes a few amazing scriptures and a flower ceremony for the Mothers. We incorporated our written vows and the traditional Christian vows, which were important to me.
I teared up as Bruce read through the ceremony asking us to read our parts as well. I joked about always crying at wedding, but it was more emotional than I had ever expected especially since Richard and I had the morning from ‘heck’. Sitting with Bruce was a great reminder why we are doing this, what it all really means beyond the bells and whistles… it took us back to the simple reason of the day, to marry my best friend and have the blessings of all our friends.
I forgot what we were fighting about (don’t worry Richard reminded me on the way home) and fell in love again. Being engaged is the hardest thing I have ever been through… and if you know me, that is saying a lot. I love Richard and can’t wait to be his wife, but the process of getting there is full of challenges, peaks and valleys.
On a funny note, I don’t think Bruce approves of my job. He had a lot of questions about the ethics involved in writing advertisements, which I can understand. I was grilled on whether I believed what I do is honest and true, I didn’t lie to the minister, but I skirted around the truth in a way that saved both of us from being disappointed.
Ok… that is enough words without pictures.

Ps – less than 3 months to go!

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