Tuesday, June 5, 2012

I figured are this point (25days to go) I would have lots to post about, but honestly we are SO far ahead that there is little to share. I do have a pretty BIG list of  'to-do's but nothing BLOG worthy.

Above is a picture of a tree... why is this wedding? It's decor. I am so excited that this worked out... Richard and I picked up TWO elephant palms from Ikea; one for the bar and one for the sign table. I love the curly leaves and we picked lime green pots to match the room. We're not have any REAL flowers in the reception room so I thought a few trees wouldn't hurt. I already have TWO of these at home and I love them. They grow slowly and require no maintenance. I haven't decided if I will part with (think centre piece give away) yet... I want them all for myself BUT where will I put them? Who knows!

Below is our 'kiss' bucket (which reminds me, we're out of chocolate... I am only human). We wanted to have something different than 'clinking the glasses' to get us to kiss, although I realize some of the 'older folk' are still going to do it and expect it to work.
So this Kiss Bucket will be on the head table... if you want us to kiss you have to come pull a kiss. If you pull a GOLD kiss we will kiss, happily (not that I need a reason to smooch my groom)... if you pull a SILVER kiss you have to venture into the crowd and FIND someone to kiss... hehe. I love this idea!

As for what's keeping me SO busy... by the end of this week we have to submit our final numbers. We're currently at 76, which is perfect considering we were hoping for 75. I love that its going to be a small wedding... that was all I ever asked for. And by the end of next week we need to submit our seating chart AND make the final payment which is a HUGE weight off our shoulders to know everything is paid for. Woot!

This weekend is a FULL wedding weekend... we need to finish the shopping (more chocolate, bulletin board, full length mirror (because I realized I don't own one and have no way to see myself the day of the wedding... ha!) and... OMG, that's it)... I have an appointment with Cassy and Susan for my final dress fitting, followed by dinner with a special groomsmen and lunch on Sunday with out minister to finalize the ceremony and show him the venue.

Then its the COTTAGE weekend, which I am stoked about and finally the wedding... ah!

I can't wait to see everyone... I can't wait to see Richard... I can't wait to see ME!


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